Our home is only one level so Isabelle rarely gets practice with steps. We have a step down at the front door, into the garage, and at the patio. Now that she is walking everywhere, we have been encouraging her to take the steps too while holding our hands. Going up the steps was no problem and if we aren't there quick enough with a hand, she just crawls up. Going down terrified her even with helping hands offered. One day Isabelle was playing in the patio and I was lucky enough to catch this video.
Talk about gutsy especially while holding the basket! I think I was pretty gutsy too just watching!
Then attempting going up with that can do attitude even when she fell and coming back down with the nondramatic response after falling! I was expecting the worse. If only she would do this every time when faced with a step or any obstacle, for that matter! Sometimes I just want to show her these videos to remind her that she is capable of going down the steps without help. At least she is no longer terrified feeling helpless standing on top of a step. Isabelle continues to improve on going down these small steps with our helpful hand. Just goes to show that letting them figure things out on their own is sometimes the only way for them to learn and hopefully I won't cringe too much in anticipating disasters.