Thursday, February 17, 2011

More Outside Fun

With quite a few days of nice weather, Isabelle got to experience outside even more. She continues to adjust to the elements: walking on the grass, touching the grass, and getting dirty. In these pictures, she is easily amused by the neighbor boy who purposely performs for her. Looking closely at the other two pictures show her dirty face especially around the mouth. All this outside play has led to more baths which thankfully she is enjoying again.

Got another video that day. Isabelle was still reluctant to fall on the grass but was at least willing to pick up a piece to give to me. At the end you can see all the dirt on her hands too.

When I tell Isabelle to get her shoes, she actually gets them and gets very excited since that means she will be going outside. On nice days, we go out shortly after breakfast and again after nap for about an hour each time. It is so engraved in her personal schedule that she even gets her shoes or goes to the patio door before I mention either. Even all the pollen and sneezing as well as the gnats bugging her haven't kept her from going outside. Sometimes the gnats are so bad that they get stuck in her hair and I have to blow or pick all of them out. Feels like monkey grooming, but I don't eat them. One time it was dark and she was insisting on going outside but didn't get to. Another time it was a chilly day yet she insisted on going out. I put her jacket on, plopped her outside, and went to get my sweatshirt. When I returned she quickly retreated back inside. I guess she has adjusted to being in Florida.

We don't have any outside toys yet so Isabelle has been enjoying the beach and pool toys, mostly the buckets and balls. Either she places the balls or grass in the buckets and wonders around with them. She finally accepted sitting in the grass too.

Here's a little bucket playing, pointing at the frogs on the decorations, and cleaning up the toys. When she finds a "job" to do, she is one busy girl. Easter egg hunting this year should be fun.

Once Isabelle gets accustomed to sand, she will have a great time playing with these toys at the beach also. As much as she loves being outside, there will be many more fun outside pictures to come.

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